A Bad Post
Fuck if I know what to write about today. It doesn't really matter, anyway. Nobody's going to read it, at least not any time soon. I'm...
Fuck if I know what to write about today. It doesn't really matter, anyway. Nobody's going to read it, at least not any time soon. I'm...
(Audio version of this story on YouTube) –An upgrade, really, is all we're talking about. And you want to see it happen just as much as...
When I first set out to reread The Pussy by Delicious Tacos, I thought, “My God, I forgot how good this was.” A few days later I thought,...
Well, here I am on New Year's Eve writing another blog post. Still not sure what this blog wants to be. Looking back on the last year, I...
Incel is a difficult book. Not that it's difficult to read on a sentence-by-sentence basis. No, ARX-Han has crafted a highly readable...
Well, it's Sunday and I still haven't finished the book I'm supposed to be reviewing for this week. Seems like aiming for a weekly review...
NUTCRANKR is a better novel than its author's Twitter persona would lead you to expect. It's funny, for one thing. It contends with the...
Well, here we are another month closer to the day when I can quit my job and write full time. And the plan for this week's blog post says...
Venus in Furs begins at the end. Ten years after the main events of the short novel, Severin presents to our unnamed narrator a personal...
Announcing I have a book coming out on Kindle on December 4, called The Invisible Woman and Other Stories. And since you’re members of...
So there's this moment in the book of Genesis where God tells Abraham to go to the mountain with his son Isaac and offer him up as a...
I first got into porn as soon as I got my first laptop. (Watching it, that is. Unfortunately not performing.) The laptop was a high...
Like any other writer in this day and age, I'm always looking for ways to introduce new readers to my work. And as I'm sure you can tell...
So, what's been going on this last week? Progress has been slow, objectively speaking, but I'm working on about a half-dozen plans and...
Last time I posted on this blog, X was called Twitter. I have a couple of steaks I'm gonna have for dinner as soon as I finish writing...
So I've been trying to force myself into writing something for the last two hours. I cleaned up the apartment a little bit. To distract...
Well, if I'm just gonna write on this blog daily I might as well go for it. Won't be the first time I've done something like this, but...
Pygmalion. If there's one myth that's possessed my imagination, it's that one. Which reflects rather poorly on me, you'll have to admit,...
Unfortunately, news of my death has been slightly exaggerated. Even worse, I'm going to be inflicting myself on this website regularly in...
Well, it's been probably about a week and a half since I've posted on this blog and I'm feeling like I ought to post on it again. And...