This One Dissolved into a Rant about Marketing and how it Sucks
“Black Cat” is a story about a guy named Marcus, who is deathly afraid of cats. I have no particular desire to write about or think about...
“Black Cat” is a story about a guy named Marcus, who is deathly afraid of cats. I have no particular desire to write about or think about...
“Dreamland” is a story about insomnia, a marriage falling apart, the Internet, and desire. More than anything it's a story about the...
“The Serpent Atop the Mountain” is a dialogue between two Victorian gentlemen, at least one of whom is something of an explorer. It...
“Nowhere” is a longish, meandering story that's sort of about one thing and sort of about another. There are some ideas that work well,...
“Half a Life” is a pretty good story. Way more worth reading than this lousy blog post, lemme tell you. In fact, you should skip this...
“Inside and Outside” is mostly a story about how I don't like cockroaches. At the time I was writing it I thought it was a clever little...
“Potion” came to me in a dream. The dream involved some corporate bureaucrat telling me I needed to drink some liquid in a glass in front...
“The New Arrivals” is, quite frankly, a bit of a mess. I like the basic idea of the thing, but if I had it to do over again I'd make the...
“Creation” is one story I've written that regularly puts tears in my eyes when I return to it. I'm not sure what that means, but it's not...
Last week, with sections 6 and 7 of “The Use and Abuse of History,” we went over some of Nietzsche's major criticisms of historical...
In the middle sections of “The Use and Abuse of History for Life,” philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche gets into the discussion of his main...
And in this way my thesis is to be understood and considered: “only strong personalities can endure history, the weak are extinguished by...
“Obvious?” Robbie asked. “Now, don't take it so hard, it's just that I expected so much more from you,” Viola said, smiling at her friend...
In the first section of “The Use and Abuse of History,” Nietzsche sets out the idea that the value of history is its value for life. That...
“The Use and Abuse of History for Life” begins its preface with a quote from Goethe: “I hate everything that merely instructs me without...
All right, it's that time of the week again and I need to put a blog post together. Have I finished reading a book, so I can review it...
This book drove me insane for a while. No joke, I was a little scared when I went back to reread Existential Kink a couple of weeks ago....
(Audio version of this story is available on YouTube.) “I read your book,” I said. Which I immediately realized was a mistake to say, it...
Sadly, Porn is a book I really enjoyed when I read it for the first time a couple of years ago. But when I came back to it a couple of...
“I'll be back with your tossed salads in just a moment, gentlemen,” Gracie says. She has a septum piercing but no visible tattoos, so...