Unfortunately, news of my death has been slightly exaggerated.
Even worse, I'm going to be inflicting myself on this website regularly in the near future. Haven't quite worked out a posting schedule, etc., but I have started defecating in a Google doc on a daily basis and will be sure to transfer the more abominable evacuations here.
You'll be brokenhearted to hear I have two novels in progress I expect to complete by the end of the year and a handful of short stories I'll be letting out once I find a clothespin big enough to seal my nostrils.
Worst of all, I'm back on Twitter again and I've even started a YouTube channel. At this point I'm just narrating some of my favorite short stories, but give me time and I'll come up with something even more disappointing.
Here's a link to my most recent victim, "The Circular Ruins" by Borges. Fortunately he's already dead because my narration would have done him in for sure:
Anyway, barring the good fortune of the unpredictable death of my person, a nuclear exchange, a real plague, etc., you'll be hearing from me again soon.
Lucky you.